Archive for July 23rd, 2010


Friday Music – Best Coast Crazy For You

Beginning with the opening drum roll of Springsteen’s “Badlands”, and the patented Telecaster drone of “Because The Night”, Bethany Cosentino also channels Liz Phair as the Crystals through Phil Spector’s Wall of Sound. There’s never been a summer song that layers wistfulness over a hint of menace like “Boyfriend” does, from “Crazy For You” streaming online now at urban outfitters;

Urban Outfitters – Features – Exclusive Album Stream: Best Coast.


The Moral Naturalists

Of the above named researchers, neocon mouthpiece David Brooks inadvertently gets one thing right;

“Our minds respond more powerfully to the plight of an individual than the plight of a group.”

…which is why, when government is desperate, it reaches out to put an innocent victim in front of the public to bask in reflected sympathy.

via Op-Ed Columnist – The Moral Naturalists –


Psychopathy Legitimized by Fred Reed

Today, on LRC, Fred Reed ticks almost all the boxes (categories) with this one;

“Perhaps the US should recognize that it has a second-rate military at phenomenal cost – an enormous, largely useless national codpiece. It is embarrassing. The Pentagon’s preferred enemies are lightly armed, poorly equipped peasants, which makes for a long war and thus hundreds of billions of dollars in juicy contracts for military industries. Yet the greatest military in history (ask it) gets run out of Southeast Asia, blown up and run out of Lebanon, shot down and run out of Somalia, with Afghanistan a disaster in progress and Iraq claimed as an American victory rather than Shiite. Do the aircraft carriers intimidate North Korea? No. Iran? No. China? No. For this, a trillion dollars a year?”

via Psychopathy Legitimized by Fred Reed.