Archive for October, 2010


Our Trade And Dollar Mess, Explained

No one ever asks WHY our trade is so out of whack. The reason these trade deficits persist is that the politicians all WANT outsourcing and trade deficits. Both parties are spendthrift criminals. To spend at the immoral levels they both want, they need to print money. The only way they can print unlimited dollars without hyperinflation is to run a massive a trade deficit and export the dollars. It is less direct than that, but that is the effect.

It comes down to money creation by the Fed, and trade policy that is lax enough to allow the massive export of dollars, period. Everything else flows from that. Low uniform tariffs prevent trade wars and retaliation. Sound money makes it unnecessary to export dollars.


YouTube – Zeus – Kindergarten

All those people
What they don’t know might kill em

They say I’m unhappy
Why can’t I sleep at night
They say all I wanna do is laugh
All I wanna do is laugh
And I don’t wanna hit the other kids in anger
Oh, but I do
Even when I don’t want to

All I wanna do is clap
All I wanna do is sing
And I don’t wanna sing another song in anger
Oh, but I do
Because I have to

Oh and it makes me think about things I shouldn’t be
Takes my breath like fire underwater
But if you’ve gotta run
Well then you’ve gotta run
Save no tears for the morning, oh

All us people
What we don’t say might kill us
All we say all I wanna do is laugh
All I wanna do is laugh
And I don’t wanna hear another word in anger
Oh, but I do
When you don’t have to

When I sleep tonight when will the morning come my way
What if it doesn’t
Well then you’ve gotta run
And when you’ve gotta run
Save no tears for the morning, oh

All us people
We’ve got fire within us

YouTube – Zeus – Kindergarten.


Philadelphia wants to Outlaw Towing Competition

Sensational stories of gunplay aside, why wouldn’t we want tow truck drivers competing for business? You know you are getting ripped off, wouldn’t it be nice to be ripped off slightly less in a competitive bidding situation? As always, government is here engaged in the business of eliminating competition and creating cartels;

Philadelphia wants tow truck drivers to toe the line | WHYY News and Information | WHYY.


Volt Fraud At Government Motors

HAHAHAHAHA, this is TOO funny;

“The Chevy Volt, hailed by the Obama administration as the electric savior of the auto industry and the planet, makes its debut in showrooms next month, but its already being rolled out for test drives by journalists. It appears were all being taken for a ride.”

via Volt Fraud At Government Motors –


Just Give It Up Eric, Let Pot Go!

Yes, apparently Attorney General Eric Holder has no more pressing issue than to ensure that pot-smokers in California continue to be arrested at the current rate (78,000 in 2025).  How are those Wall Street and war crimes prosecutions going Eric?

UPDATE: Former surgeon general Jocelyn Elders agrees – “Legalize it!” (and TAX it of course);


Detroit Symphony Orchestra Is In Deficit and May Fail

From a discussion of this fact, including the bonus that the musicians are striking, cancelling concerts;
“Take the emotion out of it and look at it from a completely rational perspective. Before a union, a musician in an orchestra was paid what he could command from the owner. If a private owner, and the orchestra a success, the first chair players get the salary they earn, as do the lesser players on down. Now, unions come. The government sticks a gun in the private owner’s snout and demands he pay ALL the musicians MORE than he was paying the best one. The total payroll rises. The customers do not care – they will not all pay more to see the orchestra. Revenues go down. The private owner is forced to either close or take handouts. When the economy crashes, suddenly there isn’t any more money for handouts. Do you see the problem?”


Coming Soon To Windy Fields Near You – Europe’s Ill Wind

Even if you don’t buy the arguments against wind turbine efficiency, think about the corrupt,  autocratic and ill-considered way the various European governments, in cahoots with turbine manufacturers are implementing these questionable mandates;

Europe’s Ill Wind » Europe’s Ill Wind.


Gonzalo Lira: The Second Leg Down of America’s Death Spiral


I want to thank you for this post, and tell a short story. I bought a new house in 2007 I know, I know, the incentives were ridiculous and I needed more room. I took the builder financing more incentives and refinanced for a lower rate as soon as my old house sold. The cost was something like $3000, to save $50K over the life of the loan. The paperwork was all done correctly, in a traditional closing. When rates went down again in 2008, I got itchy to refinance, figuring to save another $50K or so. I made the error of refinancing with Amerisave – $10K in fees and buydown, the application paperwork was utterly incorrect, I corrected all the figures on the road and sent it back to them, they completely ignored it- THREE TIMES – the loan officer Mark Cerra was a COMPLETE asshole, by the end I rejected the paperwork again, but did the deal so as not to lose my fees. If this is typical of what was occurring by the end, the industry is completely fucked.

via Gonzalo Lira: The Second Leg Down of America’s Death Spiral.


Karen De Coster » Can You Shoot a 12-Year-Old?

My comment – “Michigan is a classic failed state. Maybe people will begin to understand the implications of that fact. In relation to the malignant economic climate there, the delegation of self-defense to government that leads to state failure, and our military policy toward external failed states,maybe they will begin to reclaim their universal human rights, among them the right to life, to liberty, to property, and to self-defense. ”

Karen De Coster » Can You Shoot a 12-Year-Old?.


I Apparently Speak An International Language

Peace, and Irony

Peace, and Irony

At Rome – Fiumicino airport;
Middle-aged couple in line;”We love your T-shirt”
Girl at security checkpoint; “Your shirt is beautiful”
Flight attendant; “That’s one of the best T-shirts ever”