Archive for July, 2011


‪Gold: Independent Money‬‏ – YouTube

‪Gold: Independent Money‬‏ – YouTube.


You Think YOUR Job is Tough? Try This!

Foundry workers in West Bengal, India

I would love to study the safety culture of this plant – if it is even half as safe as the manager claims it is, we could learn a tremendous amount about what it takes to run a truly safe operation;

New York Manhole Covers, Forged Barefoot in India – New York Times;

“We can’t maintain the luxury of Europe and the United States, with all the boots and all that,” said Sunil Modi, director of Shakti Industries. He said, however, that the foundry never had accidents. He was concerned about the attention, afraid that contracts would be pulled and jobs lost…

India’s 1948 Factory Safety Act addresses cleanliness, ventilation, waste treatment, overtime pay and fresh drinking water, but the only protective gear it specifies is safety goggles.

Mr. Modi said that his factory followed basic safety regulations and that workers should not be barefoot. “It must have been a very hot day” when the photos were taken, he said…

…At the Shakti Industries foundry, “there are no accidents, never ever. Period,” Mr. Modi said. “By God’s will, it’s all fine.”

via New York Manhole Covers, Forged Barefoot in India – New York Times.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time.

Effing SCARY.


CNN’s Sanjay Gupta Thinks Battlefield Medicine Is Just Super

I happened to catch a bit of this on XM the other morning, and I was SHOCKED by the, er, ENTHUSIASM Gupta and his co-host showed toward the idea that getting to work on war-pulverized bodies was a good thing;

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, MD highlights Battlefield Breakthroughs – National Military Community |


Peter Schiff powns The Ben Bernank

“…by claiming that the dollars exchange rate has no effect on domestic prices, Mr. Bernanke demonstrates that he probably lacks the competence to be a bank teller, let alone Chairman of the Federal Reserve. A weaker dollar means Americans have to pay more for imported goods. But it also means domestic producers have to pay more for raw materials and imported components, which raises domestic production costs as well. It also means that more domestically produced goods are exported, reducing the supply and raising the price of what is left for Americans to consume. This is Econ 101.”

via It Aint Money If I Cant Print It! by Peter Schiff.


The L Magazine – On the Influence of Guided by Voices and Robert Pollard

“…the songs are always accessible and welcoming to the listener, they have a warmth, like they’re inviting you in and handing you a beer. Plus their sense of melody, and of course their economy of hooks is still astounding—they can do so much with so little, sound so epic in under a minute. I can’t think of any other band that does that.” – Ezra Feinberg, Citay

via Inspiration Drills: On the Influence of Guided by Voices and Robert Pollard | Features | The L Magazine – New York City’s Local Event and Arts & Culture Guide.


Giving Up on the Economic Recovery

Geithner appeared on Meet the Press over the weekend and surrendered. He told the world that Americans faced a tough economy and that it would “feel very hard, harder than anything they’ve experienced in their lifetime.”

He’s probably right about that. But we can’t help but wonder: how does he know? Until now, he has not had a clue. What happened? Did he see a burning bush on the road to Damascus? Did he get hit in the head by a rock?

via Giving Up on the Economic Recovery.


Coal -> Natural Gas -> Electricity = Pure Green Insanity

Actual Photo of Coal-To-Gas-To-Electricity Technology

Actual Photo of Coal-To-Gas-To-Electricity Technology

“Gov. Pat Quinn will sign controversial “clean coal” legislation Wednesday that paves the way for a new plant in Chicago that converts coal to natural gas, the Tribune has learned”

When is the approval coming for the plant that produces electricity by burning piles of thousand-dollar-bills? OH WAIT – ITS THE SAME PLANT

It would be hilarious, except that real people need the tax money more.

(PHOTO: NASA Global Warming Propaganda Pages)


Robert Higgs Has Had It With The ‘Social Contract’

“I most emphatically do not hate America. I was not born in some foreign despotism, but in a domestic one known as Oklahoma, which I understand to be the very heart and soul of this country so far as culture and refinement are concerned. Moreover, for what it is worth, some of my ancestors had been living in North America for centuries before a handful of ragged, starving white men washed ashore on this continent, planted their flag, and claimed all the land they could see and a great deal they could not see on behalf of some sorry-ass European monarch. What chutzpah! I yield to no one in my affection for the Statue of Liberty, the Rocky Mountains, and the amber waves of grain, not to mention the celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County. So when I am invited to get out of the country, I feel like someone living in a town taken over by the James Gang who has been told that if he doesn’t like being robbed and bullied by uninvited thugs, he should move to another town. To me, it seems much more fitting that the criminals get out.”

via Consent of the Governed? | The Beacon.


Uh Oh – Italy Is Coming Apart Like a 20-Dollar Suit

Standing Around While Rome Burns

Standing Around While Rome Burns

Last October I spent a week in Rome. The tax police (Guardia di Finanza) were EVERYWHERE, and NO ONE was paying any tax…and the Communists were decrying government “austerity” measures;

Italy Is Not Greece

Italy Is Not Greece

If it does turn out that Italy needs a bailout, it is going to change the entire game in Europe.

What is going on in Italy right now is potentially far more serious than what has been going on in Greece. Italy is the fourth largest economy in the European Union. If Italy requires a bailout, the rest of Europe might not be able to handle it.

An anonymous European Central Bank source told one German newspaper the following on Sunday….

“The existing rescue fund in Europe is not sufficient to provide a credible defensive wall for Italy”

The source also added that the current bailout fund “was never designed for that”.

Uh Oh – Italy Is Coming Apart Like a 20-Dollar Suit.