Or rather, what have our supposed representatives done? Among the thousands of anti-Constitutional things they have done this week, we highlight the following;
- passed a permanent extension of the USA PATRIOT Act
- passed a bill spending $30 billion on corrupt foreign dictatorships
- passed a bill combining various government and non-governmental aid workers into an “Active Response Corps“, an appalling name for a group that will subvert the democratic process in nations that we identify
- gave assent to a draft Iraqi constitution that guarantees no rights to anyone except to government and to the Mullahs (Iranian Mullahs)
Along with that, one of our local public servants, Rep Curt Weldon (R – Boeing Vertol) got orders placed by the government for the inherently unsafe, WAY over budget ($24 million $30 million $40 million $71 million $159 million EACH), and Marine-killing (30 so far and counting) V-22 Osprey Hybrid.
Quite a week, even for our normally diligent parasites!
Balding Gracefully: Tips and Hairstyles for Balding Men | The Art of Manliness
Shiny, but not TOO Shiny
Coming from a long line of baldies on my mother’s side, I knew well in advance it was a possibility, but the process didn’t become noticeable until one summer Saturday in 1992 when a 3-hour ride to the shore with the top down resulted in a nasty scalp sunburn.
I kept trying to deny it, Rogaine worked for a while, but ultimately it was a losing battle. The buzz cut helped, but did not totally work because I have patchy, uneven tufts at the front of the scalp, probably as a result of a gruesome but not serious scalp wound (30 stitches!) I got years ago.
So I started shaving the irregular islands off completely. At first my glowing-white scalp betrayed it as a half-measure, but eventually I got enough sun exposure to induce some nascent pigmentation, enough to do the job. I tried a full shave, but it didn’t feel like ‘me’, plus I still had some extra weight at the time which detracted from the “badass” look. I still might give it another whirl when I reach my goal weight.
But shaving the front, combined with a ‘power donut’ on which I use a #1 clipper, I have created a look I can live with. I feel it is the best approach to a dignified hairstyle for me. And the maintenance cost is a fresh pack of blades every 3 or 4 years in the old Norelco, and a few drops of oil on the clippers.
PLUS, the missus digs it.
via Balding Gracefully: Tips and Hairstyles for Balding Men | The Art of Manliness.