We last discussed the learned Professor Reich with regard to his (correct) observation that the failed companies on Wall Street, Detroit, etc. should be allowed to go bust rather than be bailed out, which struck us as an eminently sensible idea, particularly coming from the hard-socialist former labor secretary.
This morning I awoke to his mellifluous, yet vaguely elfin voice giving the second half of what is now apparently a one-two punch - his Pinko ideas of what the government should instead do with the bailout money;
He proposes to have Obama spend $600 Billion dollars for his ‘recovery’, ’stimulus’, or ‘infrastructure’ plan (he uses all three labels).
First, with regard to the size of his plan - where do these fascists and socialists get these figures - focus groups?
Does he think its comparatively responsible (or simply cute) to propose to spend $100 billion less than Hank Paulson demanded of money that simply doesn’t exist?
We have shown elsewhere that the $700 billion number is a fabrication, that the total we are all on the hook for is over $7 TRILLION. So this already is enough to make one want to burn him in effigy. if for no other reason than the fact that he is reinforcing a stereotype of little people as being ‘cute’.
Then he launched into a description of what he, if appointed emperor of the economy, would do to save us all from ourselves. Here is a helpful lexicon of Robert Reich, the study of which will hopefully be more illuminating then actually listening to his pleasantly-presented, slick socialist program; (Reichspeak = Actual meaning);
Infrastructure = pork for blue states
Bridges To Nowhere = pork for red states
Infrastructure spending = payoffs to trade unions and union contractors
Pork-barrel spending = payoffs to non-union contractors
Investing = payoffs to politically-connected interests
Investment = massive increases in government indebtedness
Green Technologies = payoffs to connected interests in the name of energy autarky (see Nazi Germany)
Starving Wall Street of money = Saving
Services = welfare
Stimulus = see Infrastructure
Lower future deficits = more spending now
Welfare for rich people = Tax cuts
Rebates = payoffs to China
Capital Budgets = pork for Federal and state favored interests
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