Archive for July 3rd, 2011


About That “Right” to “Healthcare”

You have a right to your life, you have a right to your liberty, and you have a right to your justly-acquired property. All three rights are aspects of a right to property. There is no way to derive a right to force others to pay for a service for you, whether it be healthcare or anything else. Moreover, the entire “healthcare” meme is a kind of fraud. Medical treatment has some moral sanction in society and has always been recognized as, while not a “right”, an obligation or duty placed upon the community. “Healthcare” as coined by modern statists contains a whole raft of things never dreamed of in four or more millenia of historical medicine. So even if there were some kind of vague “right” to medical treatment, appropriate to certain civilizational norms, a “right” to “healthcare” is simply a front for a particularly gross kind of corporatism, as illustrated by the ObamaCare Plan’s action of handing over 40 million new unwilling customers to the insurance companies at the point of a gun.