…which Mark Ames certainly does to me here (changes underlined – DUH);
“As a small-l libertarian, to your charge that I, and others similarly situated are enemies of the state; take a look around at the pestilential murder, torture, spying, groping, irradiating state that the corporatists have fastened upon all of us, in what was never a free country, take a deep breath, hold out your hand for koch money, and yell out a hearty “FUCK YEAH I’m an enemy of the state!” even though i take money from republican party linked shills and billionaires. How could any true, clear-eyed libertard think or feel otherwise?”
To which I replied;
“Read between the lines: Ames is most certainly NOT a puerile, childish, censorious, deluded, mentally-masturbating Koch conspiracy theorist, he would never deface or deliberately mis-characterize what a respectful commenter wrote in response to his never non-illuminating, non-constructive, regular Democratic party shilling specimen of non-awful, non-ad-hominem non-attacks of people who aren’t even aware enough of him to even care to defend their equally childish scratchings. Mark Ames should most definitely not see the error of his ways and try to understand that when a government violates all of its founding tenets, idealized or not, it is morally void, and is simply a gang of criminals transferring wealth from the people to the plutocracy. Oh, and I definitely get money from the Koch Brothers, who would never not fail to treat me like their favorite nephew – thanks for all the $$$$ Chuckie and David!”
Yeah, he’ll attack me some more, or else he’ll just delete it, but there you go.
The lesson is, know your enemy. He doesn’t, yet.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy…
…so call it “harmony of interests”. As much as liberals love to rag on George W. Bush’s intelligence (or lack therof, and I do too), no national government since the Civil War has failed to be chock-full of brilliant, talented people.
One of them, Condie Rice (I know, compliant and corrupt, but not dumb) put, on August 6, 2001, a Presidential Daily Briefing ON THE PRESIDENT’S DESK, that was headlined “Bin Laden Determined To Attack US”.
Maybe you think GW spilled his Count Chocula on it or something, but I will bet any amount that Dick Cheney was at least aware of it. So how does one handle such cognitive dissonance? How does one believe in the evil that these people committed before our very eyes, and still believe that on 9/11, they were just a bunch of clueless schmucks? It does not compute.
Pay attention to the hearings in the UK parliament – our leaders, to be undeservedly kind were extremely careful with the truth on Iraq. What else is there?
For an excellent expose on the difference between conspiracy theories on one hand, and “harmony of interests” on the other, listen to Murray Rothbard’s presentation on the Fed and the power elite;