This is an incredible video. It was produced in 1955 and shows what an economic powerhouse Philadelphia was 10 years after the end of World War II. Entrepreneurs flourished as did everyone in the area who wanted a job. This was a time before taxpayers funded stadiums for billionaire team owners, the welfare state and its myriad fiefdoms that promote it and labor’s powerful stranglehold over commerce. Indeed, the narrator goes on to describe Philadelphia’s bustling port:
“… with less man-hours lost because of labor disputes than any other port in the country.”
Philadelphia, in a time before ruthless politicians destroyed it, was truly an example of what capitalism had to offer. It’s very sad to see what it has become.
A Blog Commenter Tips The Greens’ Hand On Global Warming
Unrelated Catfight Content
Unrelated Catfight Content
James Delingpole’s article about a Green-themed catfight between the distaff editors of two leading architecture jounals in Britain prompted a rather interesting response from a commenter calling himself “coldplay”;
“What the so called self named Climate Scientists do is rubbish Geologist and other professionals who have more knowledge in respect of the earths processes.
Journalist ignore the views of their readers and what Amanda Baillieu is doing, which is correct is questioning the group think.
There is no question that protecting the environment and uses the resources of the planet economically for the use and convenience of mankind is correct.”
What “coldplay”‘s comment (emphasis mine) shows is that the real reason for government-facilitated green hysteria isn’t that we humans are not reasonably careful stewards of the earth, all things considered, but that individual freedom and free markets simply cannot be allowed, in the Greens’ view to allocate resources in an environmentally equitable way.
The assertion is baseless, least of all because we haven’t had anything like laissez-faire for at least a hundred years. And they don’t even acknowledge it.
According to their model, complete government control of all industry in the developed world, RIGHT NOW, is the only way forward. And anyone who questions this manifestly parochial and bizzarre assertion is an heretic, whose reputation at the very least must be burned at the stake.
Wither, science?
(HT to