Archive for November, 2025


A Blog Commenter Tips The Greens’ Hand On Global Warming

Unrelated Catfight Content

Unrelated Catfight Content

Unrelated Catfight Content
James Delingpole’s article about a Green-themed catfight between the distaff editors of two leading architecture jounals in Britain prompted a rather interesting response from a commenter calling himself “coldplay”;

“What the so called self named Climate Scientists do is rubbish Geologist and other professionals who have more knowledge in respect of the earths processes.

Journalist ignore the views of their readers and what Amanda Baillieu is doing, which is correct is questioning the group think.

There is no question that protecting the environment and uses the resources of the planet economically for the use and convenience of mankind is correct.”

What “coldplay”‘s comment (emphasis mine) shows is that the real reason for government-facilitated green hysteria isn’t that we humans are not reasonably careful stewards of the earth, all things considered, but that individual freedom and free markets simply cannot be allowed, in the Greens’ view to allocate resources in an environmentally equitable way.

The assertion is baseless, least of all because we haven’t had anything like laissez-faire for at least a hundred years. And they don’t even acknowledge it.

According to their model, complete government control of all industry in the developed world, RIGHT NOW, is the only way forward. And anyone who questions this manifestly parochial and bizzarre assertion is an heretic, whose reputation at the very least must be burned at the stake.

Wither, science?

(HT to


The Miracle of 1955

This is an incredible video. It was produced in 1955 and shows what an economic powerhouse Philadelphia was 10 years after the end of World War II. Entrepreneurs flourished as did everyone in the area who wanted a job. This was a time before taxpayers funded stadiums for billionaire team owners, the welfare state and its myriad fiefdoms that promote it and labor’s powerful stranglehold over commerce. Indeed, the narrator goes on to describe Philadelphia’s bustling port:

“… with less man-hours lost because of labor disputes than any other port in the country.”

Philadelphia, in a time before ruthless politicians destroyed it, was truly an example of what capitalism had to offer. It’s very sad to see what it has become.


The Answer To Coronary Artery Disease – NIACIN

What is the most effective treatment for coronary artery disease?

What is the most effective treatment for coronary artery disease?

So let me get this straight – Big Pharmaceutical companies can advertise expensive, liver-destroying synthetic chemicals to reverse coronary artery disease, which they do not, and save lives, which they do only feebly, stay in business, and make billions. But if a supplement maker claims any benefit to using a natural, nutritional product, they face confiscation, jail time, and worse. So now that niacin is rapidly proving to be much safer, much more effective, and of course, much less expensive, where is the restitution from the FDA? Pfizer, Merck, anybody? Acknowledgement maybe that their system is compromised and corrupt? No?
Come and get me, FDA.


This is What “Compromise” on Healthcare Reform Means

Candidate Obama On Single- Payer Healthcare

“House Democrats overcame their own divisions and broke an impasse that threatened the bill after liberals grudgingly accepted tougher restrictions on abortion funding, as abortion opponents demanded.”

AH, this explains the french-kissing I heard from the pulpit this past Sunday.

“In (sic – the) Senate, the stumbling block is the idea of the government competing with private insurers. Liberals may have to swallow hard and accept a deal without a public plan in order to keep the legislation alive. As in the House, the compromise appears to be to the right of the political spectrum.”

To my principled liberal friends – how’s that ‘single-payer’ thing going?


The Duty Of A Patriot Is Conscientious Dissent

Patriots? No, Sheep.

Patriots or Sheep?

In response to David Kramer’s post on the blog about the CFR meeting to plan the H1N1 panic, I wrote him the following note;

Hi David,

On October 16th, I spoke at a monthly meeting of the New York Metro chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association at Pfizer’s world headquarters on East 42nd Street, where one of the other speakers was a doctor from Brookhaven National Labs, covering the H1N1 flu topic.

The reaction, from a room full of seasoned industrial hygienists and safety professionals, was quite cordial, until the moment during the discussion period when the woman tried to downplay the risks of the vaccine, including those associated with the thimerosal preservative (red meat to industrial hygienists, who know the vast difference in toxicity between elemental and organic forms of mercury), and the reports of Gulliane – Barre Syndrome associated with the swine flu shots from the 1976 “outbreak”.

At that point, the discussion quickly turned contentious. The room turned to a review session of the assessment of risk of the flu jabs versus the risk of contracting the dreaded flu, and of exactly who’s right it was to make that assessment (majority consensus – the individual, or the parent of a minor).

The recent mandate by the State of New York (since partly rescinded) that all healthcare workers (broadly defined) be inoculated with the experimental concoction was also the subject of intense debate, particularly when it was revealed that, in the view of the state, a refusal to take the vaccine would be considered “job abandonment”, i.e., a grounds for summary dismissal. One member rather drolly pointed out how poorly this would likely be received among New York’s mostly-unionized healthcare corps.

The talk finished, the doctor hot-footed it out of there, and calm was restored. It reminded me of the reaction of the same group to an earlier Bloomberg proposal to license air monitoring equipment in New York City – a resounding “hell no!” that I wrote about at the time.

I am proud to associate myself with the fine folks of the New York Metro AIHA. Nice to know that there are some organizations of science professionals who consider it a matter of duty to directly question the arguments from authority of the members and servants of the power elite on scientific matters.

Vince Daliessio

(photo from cbcnews canada)