I watched Casino Royale (James Bond) on cable the other night and couldn’t help but wonder why everyone went through all that trouble and killed so many people to just take custody of a briefcase containing only $150 million. How can you watch the news of what’s going on with this criminal bailout and not think that’s nothing but chump change?
Archive for November, 2008
Why Bother?
SCENE: 6:00 am, Husband and wife in bed. Three year old daughter enters, climbs in between them. Newscast is playing on clock radio.
Announcer: “Mayor Michael Nutter begins a series of town meetings to explain the service cuts necessary to try to repair a $1 billion dollar city government budget deficit.”
Husband: “How does a city government roll up a billion dollar budget deficit?”
Wife: “I’m not really sure.”
Husband: “It comes down to bad government. The government of the City of Philadelphia has become a malignant tumor on the body politic.”
Three-year-old daughter: “No!”
Husband: “No?”
Three-year-old daughter: “No!”
Husband: “Then what do you think is the cause of the billion-dollar deficit?”
Three-year-old daughter: “Candy!”
Three-year-old daughter: “Candy, yummy candy!”
Are you listening, Mayor?
U.S. Pledges Top $7.7 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit
By Mark Pittman and Bob Ivry
Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. government is prepared to provide more than $7.76 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers after guaranteeing $306 billion of Citigroup Inc. debt yesterday. The pledges, amounting to half the value of everything produced in the nation last year, are intended to rescue the financial system after the credit markets seized up 15 months ago.
The unprecedented pledge of funds includes $3.18 trillion already tapped by financial institutions in the biggest response to an economic emergency since the New Deal of the 1930s, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The commitment dwarfs the plan approved by lawmakers, the Treasury Department’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. Federal Reserve lending last week was 1,900 times the weekly average for the three years before the crisis.
From a discussion about the enjoyment of crass-but-fun television shows;
“The only thing wrong with enjoying brainless entertainment is if it is accompanied by a failure of self-awareness. In other words, when you are wallowing in mental slop, it is extremely important to remain constantly aware of it.”
“‘If it makes sense to give one bank $25 billion, then we can certainly invest the same amount to save the entire domestic auto industry,’ said Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio.”
I have two comments;
1) The problem with the argument is that NONE of it should be bailed out. The Fed’s easy credit policies under Greenspan spurred huge malinvestments, or “clusters of errors” as Murray Rothbard would say. It channeled investment into existing bad companies and bad investments, and NEW bad companies and bad investments. This malinvestment mainly went into the building, upgrading, and financing of homes and other buildings, for many reasons, pumping up prices even more than Fed inflation has normally done since 1913. This malinvestment gained momentum because as people saw home prices going up, they naturally thought they had better buy while they still could (I got somewhat caught up in this :o( ).
It became a malignant, accelerating inflation snowball. It reached the point where Bernanke faced a choice – keep printing the money, and watch inflation go vertical, a la Weimar Germany or Zimbabwe, or prick the real-estate bubble by stopping inflation. He chose the latter. The bubble burst, as any Austrian School economist could have told him. Then, when all the froth started to fall down around us, and Wall Street started to get hurt, Hank Paulson (R. Goldman-Sachs) got the politicians involved.
The bailout of the financial sector’s bad investments then required TRILLIONS of dollars worth of new inflation, occurring as I write this, because the government HAS NO MONEY. Because imposing massive new current, overt taxes and reducing spending (!) are not an option, the government has to borrow (future taxes) and print the money (hidden taxes). There is no money, the $700 billion is all debt and inflation, the $25 billion Detroit wants is all debt and inflation. The wars are all funded by debt and inflation. The merchants of death are all getting fat on debt and inflation.
THERE IS NO MONEY. We are simply forcing as Ron Paul says, poor people to bail out the rich, good people to bail out bad people, smart investors to bail out dumb investors. We are transferring the losses of Wall Street (and Detroit) to innocent present and future Americans. Nothing good can come of this.
This morning on NPR (!) they are crowing about a couple of tenths of a drop in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and worrying aloud about the “specter of deflation”. This is being done to counter the entirely sensible idea that creating trillions of dollars out of nothing at an unprecedented rate might possibly be bad. This is complete hogwash. I am unconvinced that this drop is anything but the price of SUVs and big-screen TVs coming down as a result of consumers sensibly spending less in the face of an economic calamity. Remember the price of five ordinary goods you buy today, then revisit those prices in a year. Price deflation would not be a bad thing for most people, only for the overleveraged.
2) There is absolutely nothing wrong with workers banding together and forming unions. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those unions freely negotiating with employers regarding their compensation, work rules, etc. Where the thing breaks down is when the government compels employers to deal exclusively with a (labor monopoly) union. Enforced union privileges allow unions to push up wages beyond the actual marginal revenue product of their labor by excluding non-union workers from competition, great if you belong to the union, unbelievably bad if you don’t or can’t. Obama shows troubling signs of making this worse, of eliminating secret union balloting, and voiding state “right-to-work” laws. This will exacerbate the monopoly behavior of unions, and make the problem that much worse.
The increased labor costs do all kinds of bad, uneconomic things to the cost structure of the companies, including increasing investment in economically dubious technology, increased government lobbying for subsidies, and pushing up the salaries of incompetent nitwit drones like Rick Wagoner and Bob Nardelli. The Big Three automakers, in exchange for their accepting the National Labor Relations Act and unionization, demanded protection from foreign producers (see Smoot-Hawley), which they had uninterrupted from Roosevelt until the late 60′s when it became impossible to keep the Japanese out, so they really didn’t care if wages were kept artificially high, it didn’t hurt them.
This is classic cartel behavior. They are still running those companies that way. Now it’s killing them, because they can’t change. Let them go bankrupt, and let new owners negotiate new contracts with the workers, free of federal interference, and try to deploy the assets of these failed companies in an economic (profitable) way.
And let Wall Street go bankrupt. They deserve it.
Ok, enough with the post-election gushing. I personally know a lot of Obama supporters who had lost plenty of sleep over this election and now say that they are relieved as though McCain would have taken away their children. And now they flaunt “their” victory as though they had placed a huge bet on it. Alas, this is not a football pool. If only they had done a little more thinking about Obama’s platform and a little less blind following in a cult-like trance, they might have seen this.
Barack Obama will enable all Americans to serve:
Obama and Biden will expand AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps, engage retiring Americans, and set up an America’s Voice Initiative to send Americans who are fluent speakers of local languages to expand our public diplomacy.
Integrate service into learning:
Obama and Biden will set a goal that all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year, and will establish a new tax credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.
So, what we have to look forward to is a fascist-style service to the State (to serve its own ends, not yours) as a condition of citizenship. Please realize that the State does not offer a choice of whether to volunteer or not. Rest assured, Obama will use every ounce of compulsion that George W Bush was able to steal away in his eight years and then some. And for those of us who choose to serve ourselves and our families first, other citizens who exhibit a predisposition toward firearm use will be close by to suggest a more collectivist mindset. But what difference would this really make, anyway? Liberty is for losers … like Ron Paul, right?
Liberty’s Best Week Ever!
NO, I am not talking about the impending undemocratic, non-election about to be perpetrated on us a couple of days hence between Wall Street Candidate A and Wall Street candidate A’ This one has been decided already – ordinary Americans have lost, and the banksters have won.
I am, rather, calling attention to the surprising upside to the continuing global financial collapse. The completely deserted checkout lanes today at my local wholesale club underscored the rapid retreat of consumer spending that’s occurring now. What is occurring now in the public intellectual mind is both thoroughly awful, and blindingly brilliant.
Awful, due to the present and future suffering of millions, nay, billions of people around the world, but brilliant, because the fact is that the economic predictive power of Austrian-School economics has been thoroughly vindicated, no matter what stupid, nonsensical things the Keynesians and Friedmanites say. We were right, we told them all what was coming, and they failed to listen. More Important, we have the correct answers.
And, better late than never, even some mainstream journalists, conservative Republicans, and left progressives are trying to re-orient their thinking in the midst of an unprecedented global financial calamity, where suddenly “Liberal” nor “Conservative” (as we have been brainwashed to call Socialist and Fascist policy ‘solutions’) ideas seem to have no discernible relevance at all.
This week two astounding interviews took place, between serious people of the left, and two of the current stars of the Austro-Libertarian movement.
On Thursday, the charming, brainy lefty journalist Rachel Maddow of MSNBC interviewed Ron Paul, focusing on his eerie (not to us of course) prescience on the economic meltdown, and on the significance of his recent campaign, and what it portends for the future of Republican Party as well as the electoral system.
On Friday, Lew Rockwell, founder and president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute interviewed Naomi Wolf on his podcast. This is a MUST LISTEN interview with the principled, thoughtful left-wing journalist. Ms Wolf, author of several books, including “The Beauty Myth”, and more notably “The End of America”, was last heard of in libertarian circles promoting, along with Ron Paul the American Freedom Agenda, calling for an end to America’s belligerent foreign policy and its depredations on domestic liberty.
Listen to her questioning Lew about definitions of libertarianism, and her response to his answers – I half held my breath throughout the unedited 50-minute conversation, waiting perhaps to hear Lew say something to make Ms Wolf ‘fall out of the ether’ as they say in the car business.
He doesn’t, and she didn’t. It is an extended dialog on the principled embrace of universal liberty, in honest, non-agendized terms that will speak to the heart of every thinking, compassionate person on the left, right, or middle. This shows how there is not, and never has been, such a thing as Democrat liberty, or Republican liberty, only Liberty For All.
Do yourself and your loved ones (particularly intelligent, leftish and rightish ones) a favor and get them to listen to this podcast to give them an understanding why you are a principled, onsistent advocate of liberty.
Then go to www.campaignforliberty.com , and get involved.
UPDATE: If you are still, for some unfathomable reason a McCain supporter, PLEASE watch this video of Dr. Paul taking apart McCain’s dumbass foreign policy prescriptions in the St. Petersburg debate;
A Reich Lexicon, Or How A Clock Right Twice A Day Can Still Be Massively Broken
The Broken Clock Corrollary
We last discussed the learned Professor Reich with regard to his (correct) observation that the failed companies on Wall Street, Detroit, etc. should be allowed to go bust rather than be bailed out, which struck us as an eminently sensible idea, particularly coming from the hard-socialist former labor secretary.
This morning I awoke to his mellifluous, yet vaguely elfin voice giving the second half of what is now apparently a one-two punch – his Pinko ideas of what the government should instead do with the bailout money;
He proposes to have Obama spend $600 Billion dollars for his ‘recovery’, ‘stimulus’, or ‘infrastructure’ plan (he uses all three labels).
First, with regard to the size of his plan – where do these fascists and socialists get these figures - focus groups?
Does he think its comparatively responsible (or simply cute) to propose to spend $100 billion less than Hank Paulson demanded of money that simply doesn’t exist?
We have shown elsewhere that the $700 billion number is a fabrication, that the total we are all on the hook for is over $7 TRILLION. So this already is enough to make one want to burn him in effigy. if for no other reason than the fact that he is reinforcing a stereotype of little people as being ‘cute’.
Then he launched into a description of what he, if appointed emperor of the economy, would do to save us all from ourselves. Here is a helpful lexicon of Robert Reich, the study of which will hopefully be more illuminating then actually listening to his pleasantly-presented, slick socialist program; (Reichspeak = Actual meaning);
Infrastructure = pork for blue states
Bridges To Nowhere = pork for red states
Infrastructure spending = payoffs to trade unions and union contractors
Pork-barrel spending = payoffs to non-union contractors
Investing = payoffs to politically-connected interests
Investment = massive increases in government indebtedness
Green Technologies = payoffs to connected interests in the name of energy autarky (see Nazi Germany)
Starving Wall Street of money = Saving
Services = welfare
Stimulus = see Infrastructure
Lower future deficits = more spending now
Welfare for rich people = Tax cuts
Rebates = payoffs to China
Capital Budgets = pork for Federal and state favored interests
Demand = discredited economic theory of aggregate demand