Archive for the 'war' Category


Setting Regular Republicans Straight About Liberty

Steven Greenhut, Orange County Register columnist and Friend of Liberty, wrote a column for Independence Day that was less than completely reverential toward our Gargantuan Imperial Military. Chip Hanlon, writing in Red County, took off after Greenhut, viciously smearing him, libertarians in general, and incredibly but oh-so-predictably Ron Paul.

Scores of commenters wrote back defending Greenhut, so my addition was probably piling on, but I really like it as a statement of Liberty;

Does Chip Even Read What He Writes?

What you write, repeatedly, is that libertarians (and by implication, incredibly, Ron Paul) are all kooks, because sometimes they make statements that are at odds with your well-entrenched beliefs. You even pull quotes out of context that seem to support your position, but you have made absolutely NO attempt to understand, much less attempt to honestly and intelligently refute them. Your debate techniques are the same ones used by all but one of the Republican candidates, including the eventual nominee.

You see where that has got us. Ron Paul told us all in the debates that if the Republican Party didn’t get serious about reversing the Bush welfare-warfare-torture- spying state, and cutting back on spending and empire, we were not only going down to defeat in November, but that the party would subsequently self-destruct. You don’t have to be crazy to see and understand that he was 100% right.

Look, I accept that not everyone is ready to keep peeling away at the onion of government. Over my political life’s journey, I have been at first shocked by many principled libertarian positions. Then, after mulling them over, I often come to see that in many instances (e.g., drug prohibition, gay marriage, pre-emptive war, central and fractional reserve banks, taxes, governmment spying), and putting aside my merely personal feelings, I have come to understand that the libertarian position logically and morally flows from the fundamental principle of freedom. The libertarian non-aggression axiom is the purest expression of the ideals, if not always the actions of the founders.

A standing military, particularly one as aggressive and imperial as ours, would absolutely shock and dismay many of them.  Steve Greenhut isn’t speaking a Republican heresy, he is simply stating his (in my view correct) opinion that the military establishment is out of political, strategic and financial control, and needs, not to be lauded for its unconstitutional size and scope, but rather reined in, hard. Any honest person, who takes a look at the trail of wreckage left behind by the US military over the past, well, century or two, has to see this.

What we need in this country is a return to the ideals of the founders, minus the bigotry. What we need is a DRASTICALLY smaller government.

What we need is Liberty.


Ban Smoking In The Military? Are You Kidding Me?

Apparently Torture Isn't The Only Thing Lynndie England Ruined For Everybody

Apparently Torture Isn't The Only Thing Lynndie England Ruined For Everybody

The missus relayed a CNN report that a study commissioned by the Pentagon has recommended the military ban the use of tobacco entirely.

As a never-smoker, who personally despises cigarette smoke and all of the things it does, I am nonetheless absolutely appalled that the military is even considering this breach of basic human liberty. Ok, scratch that, I’m still appalled, but on grounds of utility rather than principle. Are the quasi-conscripted enlisted to be spared nothing? Look for mass mutiny if this is ever enacted.

Of course, I am preemptively invoking Godwin’s Law by pointing out that both the motivation and the apparent receptivity of senior military brass for banning the vile weed from America’s sainted Imperial legions echo another old soldier’s logical enthusiasm for banning tobacco.


Wake Up Call - The Movie

I blame Bob Murphy for this. Ignore the simple, inadequate theories of the mechanics (but NOT the politics) of the WTC collapses, and pay attention to the rest - cuts from “Zeitgeist”, “Loose Change”, “Freedom To Fascism”, and more, intercut with Alex Jones, John Taylor Gatto, and David Icke explaining in detail how we are constantly being manipulated to do the bidding of the elites. It’s fascinating, powerful, and, despite the odds, it works.  Check out Joh Nada’s “Wake Up Call”.


We Will Miss George W Bush. Seriously.

Please, We Should Thank You.

Please, We Should Thank You.

OK, it’s time to come clean. We at LibertyGuys, and many, many libertarians, minarchists, anarchists, war opponents, and other free-thinkers, while relieved that he can finally do no more direct harm to the entire globe on a whim, secretly miss George W. Bush already. Because, you see, deep down in our heart of hearts, we were really, really grateful for his presidency.

What I mean is this. We opposed all the wars, the spying on Americans, the torture, the crony capitalism, the transparent use of the entire Imperial military apparatus for the benefit of connected flunkies, then, finally, the direct transfer of all of our financial futures to his friends on Wall Street, with more than 80% of the people opposed. All of it.

We opposed all the spending, the creation of vast new entitlements, the bailouts for all of the evil f**ks on Wall Street, K Street, and Detroit.  In short, we opposed nearly everything the man stands for or did. But deep down, after every bad thing he did, a little part of us said a small “amen”.

Sure, it was nice to have something to agree with our liberal friends on, the wars, the imperialism, the torture, Katrina, etc. Any and all of those things was reason enough to hate him. But it wasn’t the reason we love him.

The thing, the thing we very much love about George W. Bush is the way he made the case against statism. Every thing the man did included all of the classic statist ingredients; war, demonization of the other (Muslims), socialism, protectionism, polarization and politicization of every sphere, cronyism, and corporatism, covered with a sauce of greed and venality, and served up with a double helping of rank incompetence.

The War on Iraq, the destruction of civilization in Afghanistan, the Katrina disaster, the revelations of massive illegal wiretapping , any one of these would have destroyed a lesser demon, say a Richard Nixon, or a Lyndon Johnson. But not our man George. He plagued us, completely intact, to the very end. Even the collapse of our entire system of corporatism and imperial finance did not unhorse this cowboy. His was a singular reign.

Perversely, this is why we are afraid of the manifestly competent politician who replaced him, the Obamessiah. Our worst fear, all us freedom-loving types who have awakened to the government’s war on civilization, that the man may actually place people of intelligence, merit, and skill in those powerful positions available to his patronage is being realized.

We are alarmed that he has filled his staffs with brilliant, competent idealogues. We might, quite understandably be terrified, absolutely terrified, that Obama, the unitary leader of the biggest, richest, most powerful state ever to exist, might make the trains run on time. Except, we know he can’t.

Oh he will do everything his fans and supporters expect of him. He will mouth all the right platitudes, he will speak “directly” to the people, his armies of PR flacks and press dupesters will dutifully report on his triumphs, while sweeping his failures under a rug. It has been, and will be a brilliant performance.

And none of it will make any difference. The financial crisis is gearing up to become a fiscal and monetary tsunami, one that will sweep away all before it. They, those bright, motivated bureaucrats won’t know what hit them.

But they will enjoy, at least for a while the completely undeserved trust and goodwill of many of the people, even as we all march into the depths of it.

(photo from


The Destruction Of Gaza - Obama’s First War, or Bush Valedictory?

Obama: "No Comment."

Obama: "No Comment."

Look through these photos (WARNING: The above photo is the LEAST bloody) and try to square them with all of the pro-Israel spin on this horrible piece of business in the major US media. You can’t. It’s cold-blooded mass murder, and the network bobble-heads are calling it “self-defense”. It is exactly analogous to responding to a prison riot with F-16s and cluster munitions.

We harbor no illusions - the Israelis are equipped, trained, and funded by the US, and they do nothing without the dictator’s say-so. So what do our current and future Duce have to say about this atrocity?

President Bush: “I understand Israel’s desire to protect itself,” Bush said in the Oval Office. “The situation now taking place in Gaza was caused by Hamas…Instead of caring about the people of Gaza, Hamas decided to use Gaza to launch rockets to kill innocent Israelis,” Bush said. “Israel’s obviously decided to protect herself and her people.”

Uh-huh. Funny, we don’t hear about the innocent Arabs (yes, Virginia, there are women and children in Gaza, despite what The Ministry Of Truth says)

Future President Obama: “There was no immediate comment on the Israeli air strikes on Gaza from Obama, who is vacationing with his family in Hawaii, or his staff.”

Clearly, Bush has decided to let the Israelis have their head, to attack Gaza when they have really wished to attack Iran.

And Obama’s tepid response indicates not only that he has no problem with this, but that perhaps he is allowing Bush to test the waters for steering America in a new foreign policy direction.

No, not a peaceful one, silly, but a policy where the US simply funds, equips, and trains the soldiers of other countries to do our dirty work. Hmm, I wonder where that’s been tried before?


Is This Guy Stupid or Just a Neo-Con Cheerleader?

Perhaps he’s both. I was just scanning through the latest entries at and stumbled across this little gem, Empires of Trust by Thomas F Madden. Check the synopsis. I expected to see "Published by The" after it.


By making friends of enemies and demonstrating a commitment to fairness, the two republics - both "reluctant" yet unquestioned super-powers - built empires based on trust. Madden also includes vital lessons from the Roman Republic’s 100-year struggle with "terrorism."


When The Emperor Moves

On Lew Rockwell’s blog today (YAY!);

re: More Pentagon Homicides

Posted by Lew Rockwell at 12:04 PM

Writes Vince Daliessio:

Saturday was the Army-Navy game here in Philadelphia.. I was taking my son to karate practice at about 9:45 am, when he yells “DAD, LOOK AT THE BIG PLANE!” When I looked, I saw Air Force One approaching from the Southwest and banking steeply above us at no more than 4,000 feet. The plane then swung crazily around, and back West toward the airport. All I could think of was how cavalierly the plane was being operated, and the likely carnage on the ground that would have ensued if the pilot had made a mistake. The old saying “a fish rots from the head” comes to mind. I had little thought for the passengers on board, who were no doubt the instigation for such behavior.

A couple of days prior, we were overflown by squads of military helicopters, and of course during the game we could hear F-18s overhead.

UPDATE: This was the reaction of the father come home to find his family all killed by the government;

“I believe my wife and two babies and mother-in-law are in heaven with God,” Yoon said at a news conference afterward. “Nobody expected such a horrible thing to happen, especially right here, our house.”

Yoon said he bore no ill will toward the Marine Corps pilot who ejected safely before the jet plunged into the neighborhood two miles west of the runway at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. “I pray for him not to suffer for this action,” Yoon said. “I know he’s one of our treasures for our country.”

Maybe Mr. Yoon is a better man than I - I really don’t know. But my reaction would be much different.


A VAT Tax? Are We To Be Spared Nothing?

As if the $8 Trillion being stolen from us as I write this wasn’t enough, this jackass is touting a Eurostyle VAT as the solution to reducing the malignant, metastasizing Federal deficit, set to get even worse under the new Obama regime;

It’s called a value-added tax, or VAT, and it’s been used for decades to pay the bills and sustain the immense growth of governments around the world, from France to Mexico to Australia. Created in 1954 by a French economist, the VAT is the most potent, efficient machine for revenue generation yet invented.

And if there’s one thing the U.S. government needs as the federal budget balloons, it’s a ton of new revenue. “The bottom line is that the income tax cannot support the level of spending that’s projected, something other countries faced years ago,” said Roberton Williams of the Tax Policy Center, a non-partisan research institute.

Number one, this idea, if ever enacted, will rapidly collapse the US economy.

Number two, it won’t matter anyway, because inflation will render the dollar meaningless. Since the feds won’t recognize commodity money, most of the remaining economy will revert to barter and black markets.

Number three, they won’t repeal the income tax, but will simply impose the VAT atop it. Just the thing to do in the face of a Depression. Thanks, President Hoobama!

If this is ever seriously considered and or passed, the US government will have to destroy the last remnants of the Republic in a futile effort to collect it.

Ron Paul, please call your office!


Liberty’s Best Week Ever!

Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow

NO, I am not talking about the impending undemocratic, non-election about to be perpetrated on us a couple of days hence between Wall Street Candidate A and Wall Street candidate A’ This one has been decided already - ordinary Americans have lost, and the banksters have won.

I am, rather, calling attention to the surprising upside to the continuing global financial collapse. The completely deserted checkout lanes today at my local wholesale club underscored the rapid retreat of consumer spending that’s occurring now. What is occurring now in the public intellectual mind is both thoroughly awful, and blindingly brilliant.

Awful, due to the present and future suffering of millions, nay, billions of people around the world, but brilliant, because the fact is that the economic predictive power of Austrian-School economics has been thoroughly vindicated, no matter what stupid, nonsensical things the Keynesians and Friedmanites say. We were right, we told them all what was coming, and they failed to listen. More Important, we have the correct answers.

And, better late than never, even some mainstream journalists, conservative Republicans, and left progressives are trying to re-orient their thinking in the midst of an unprecedented global financial calamity, where suddenly “Liberal” nor “Conservative” (as we have been brainwashed to call Socialist and Fascist policy ’solutions’) ideas seem to have no discernible relevance at all.

This week two astounding interviews took place, between serious people of the left, and two of the current stars of the Austro-Libertarian movement.

On Thursday, the charming, brainy lefty journalist Rachel Maddow of MSNBC interviewed Ron Paul, focusing on his eerie (not to us of course) prescience on the economic meltdown, and on the significance of his recent campaign, and what it portends for the future of Republican Party as well as the electoral system.

On Friday, Lew Rockwell, founder and president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute interviewed Naomi Wolf on his podcast. This is a MUST LISTEN interview with the principled, thoughtful left-wing journalist. Ms Wolf, author of several books, including “The Beauty Myth”, and more notably “The End of America”, was last heard of in libertarian circles promoting, along with Ron Paul the American Freedom Agenda, calling for an end to America’s belligerent foreign policy and its depredations on domestic liberty.

Listen to her questioning Lew about definitions of libertarianism, and her response to his answers - I half held my breath throughout the unedited 50-minute conversation, waiting perhaps to hear Lew say something to make Ms Wolf ‘fall out of the ether’ as they say in the car business.

He doesn’t, and she didn’t. It is an extended dialog on the principled embrace of universal liberty, in honest, non-agendized terms that will speak to the heart of every thinking, compassionate person on the left, right, or middle. This shows how there is not, and never has been, such a thing as Democrat liberty, or Republican liberty, only Liberty For All.

Do yourself and your loved ones (particularly intelligent, leftish and rightish ones) a favor and get them to listen to this podcast to give them an understanding why you are a principled, onsistent advocate of liberty.

Then go to , and get involved.

UPDATE: If you are still, for some unfathomable reason a McCain supporter, PLEASE watch this video of Dr. Paul taking apart McCain’s dumbass foreign policy prescriptions in the St. Petersburg debate;



Did Ron Paul Write It, Or Didn’t He?

Seize That Car! It Could Be Evidence!

Seize That Car! It Could Be Evidence!

Amidst the political and rhetorical (if not yet electoral) triumph of Ron Paul at the Rally For The Republic last week, an article designed to steal a hard-earned moment of success creeped its way across the pages of a major periodical (where have we seen this before?)It seems some ’sore winners’ in the press have taken a very ordinary occurrance, that of an author taking someone’s notes and quotes, and editing it into a very successful book under the second person’s name, and tried to portray it as something sinister.

In this case, it is a particularly puzzling bit of scruple being fretted about here, since the credited author and the alleged ghostwriter are both closely associated with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and Dr. Woods spoke at Dr. Paul’s valedictory (a good speech it was too).  While the alleged ghostwriter is an accomplished writer in his own right, the words in the book are, er, MANIFESTLY Dr. Paul’s, reflecting his campaign rhetoric, and his lifelong obsession with liberty and free markets.

Indeed, this is standard operating procedure for campaign books, and it is naieve in the extreme to expect a politician in the middle of the race of his life to spend the time and effort necessary to self-edit a manuscript along with the million and a half other things he has to do, particularly if said candidate is a current officeholder who takes those duties seriously. Who in that situation would turn down help to do it? (Barack Obama, if you believe some people, that’s who, and what’s it to ya?)

But to the writer of the piece, this is evidence of a soul so perfidious that he feels duty-bound to report on this fact as if it were the freaking Rosetta Stone. Clearly, authorship to some members of the press means taking pencil to hand and writing a complete edited manuscript longhand, or perhaps tapping it out on sheets of bond paper with a trusty old Smith-Corona. Anything less doesn’t count, in their estimation.

Except, of course, when it fits a particular agenda, such as smearing a candidate the day before the biggest electoral test in an early primary season. Then it doesn’t matter whether the person wore down a pack of #2 Ticonderogas, or simply gave permission for a pitbull or pitbulls to write intemperate (but widely accepted in conservative - to - centrist circles at the time) words critical of certain public figures and of certain classes of people under his name.

It doesn’t matter under what circumstances, for what purpose, to what audience, or how long ago the words were written, nor does it matter that the candidate had disavowed the words decades prior, nor how many times the candidate had apologized (culminating in a bobbled, dissembling disavowal with apology, true), they are HIS WORDS.

Well, which is it?

You can’t have it both ways.

Well, unless you are a hypocrite.