Limbless Is Beautiful

by Joe?Pulcinella

By this measure, the Bush admimistration is manufacturing more beauty per day than Mother Nature herself.

Miss Landmine

After being ravaged by years of civil war, Angola is littered with thousands of landmines all over the country. In 23 years, over 80,000 people had died or lost limbs due to one wrong step.

To call attention to this problem and to raise funds to eliminate landmines, Norwegian artist Morten Traavik launched a "beauty pageant" called Miss Landmine, where 10 women competed for the title of most beautiful mutilated Angolan woman, and the first prize of a leg prosthesis.

International aid agencies, however, were not amused - they had called it a "freakshow."

Meanwhile, this guy would have been a ringer.


WOW, good post. Plus I LOVE it that the aid agencies are repulsed - this is what their meddling begets...

I wouldn't be surprised to see the 2008 Miss Landmine contest as a line item in next years military budget.

This is a GREAT way to raise awareness. This is what the power of the people is all about, not to mention the power of art.

A man without legs, courtesy of a man without a soul.

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