Madeline Albright and Genocide-Perfect Together!

by Vince?Daliessio

(PHOTO: Montage of flattering images of Madame Albright from

I simply didn't believe I had heard a program on PBS correctly (I know, I know) when it apparently touted Madeline Albright's co-chairmanship (chairpersonship?) of something called the "Genocide Prevention Task Force", part of an organization called the "United States Institute of Peace". So I Googled it, and what do you know, I wasn't hallucinating. No, seriously. Quit laughing!

I thought Hilary Clinton had some big brass ones, but Albright really takes the cake when it comes to public political hubris. I will demonstrate by bringing you this golden oldie, her assertion regarding the value of sanctions championed by the (Bill) Clinton regime (of which she was a senior architect) which were responsible for the deaths of as many as 1.5 MILLION people;

And she has the GALL to regale anyone about preventing GENOCIDE?

Madame, I say this with all sincerity - may you ROT IN HELL.


Not too worry. The name is designed to throw of people who only scan headlines. It's sorta like the PATRIOT Act which is the most UNpatriotic scheme ever conceived or the War On Drugs which actually empowers vicious drug gangs.

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