Nerdy Rudy

by Joe?Pulcinella

I overheard ABC News in the next room last night doing a long interview with Rudy in an attempt to reverse the implosion that is his campaign. He's apparently playing the "nerd card" by talking at length of his forming of an opera club in high school. Everything about him was humble from his upbringing up through his hard work as a simple public servant. No mention of his over-zealous and illegal persecution of Michael Milken which catapulted him into the national spotlight. No mention of gagger speaking fees generated from the 9/11 catastrophe. No mention of the criminal thugs he surrounds himself with. No mention of the elite universe in which he cavorts safely away from the hoi-polio. No mention of his perpetual-war ambitions as a hopeful commander-in-chief. Nope, Rudy is just a regular guy like you and me.

ABC is in full panic mode.


Beautiful, just beautiful. Rudy has FOX News and now ABC to promote his flailing, failing candidacy, which will only sink more in the coming days as new Kerik revelations leak out (we detailed the awfulness of Rude-y's right-hand boy Kerik several times). Meanwhile, Ron Paul has ZERO exposure in most of the mainstream media, yet his numbers continue to slowly climb...

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