The Wall Street Journal Endorses Ron Paul For President!

by Vince?Daliessio


(PHOTO: The WSJ thinks a composite engraving of "Hilliam Clinton" is scary - HA!)

Well, maybe. At the end of a long editorial exhaustively analyzing the recent double- and triple-talking debate performance and (myriad) other shortcomings of the junior senator from New York, the writer ends;

"...Hillary's challenge is that we've all seen this movie before. And performances like Tuesday's might be enough to convince voters to opt for a candidate who is his own man".

Of course this could mean Edwards, Richardson, Kucinich, or even Gravel, or (more cynically) one of the "mainstream" Republican candidates. Or, even more cynically, they could be hoping for a third-party candidate (if Ron were to run, he has stated he has no intention to) to act as a Hillary spoiler.

?But the prospect of the establishment War Street Journal warming to the pro-peace, pro liberty Dr. Paul just tickles?us to no end!


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