The Religion of Global Warming (or whatever)

by Joe?Pulcinella

Last week I would have told you that global warming was its own religion but this week I can longer say that. It's gotten way beyond that. Now it's all about saving the Earth. No mention af particulars. No need to. It's inarguable. We're all doomed. We need to do all we can at all costs. We need windmills, mass transit that runs on?soy milk?and lightbulbs that look like curly fries. Aaaaah! Quick, just do something!

Well, I hate to be the one to throw cold water onto everyone's daily two-minutes of hysteria but, at its core,?what we're asking is for government to stick guns in our faces for the benefit of a few well-connected people whom we don't even know.

Just saw this on Digg. What's that? The only ones who are enlightened enough to save us from ourselves are Congressmen James L. Oberstar (D-MN) and Peter DeFazio (D-OR) of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee? Yes, two life-long government functionaries with an agenda. They care more about you than you care about yourself.

Ok, seriously now. We went through all this before with Frank Lautemberg whose only accomplishment was to build a giant monument to himself in Secaucus NJ.

So please be careful what you wish for.


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