Dishonest, Corrupt, and Wasteful, FEMA Adds Orwellian

by Vince?Daliessio

(PHOTO: LA Times Readers Helpfully Spot Fires For Their Betters)

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has outdone itself by staging a press conference on its response to the California conflagration where questions were asked solely by its own employees.

This is in the same week that futile presidential candidate Duncan Hunter got face time on CNN by calling in the US military to assist, looking every bit the totalitarian fascist in an attempt to look presidential (but I repeat myself).

Even better was the fact that after Hunter's malevolent posturing, the Army's helicopters remained grounded for three more days because the bureaucrats required by state law were unavailable to ride on them to "spot" fires (NOTE: the fires are the big, hot orange smoky?things eating up the trees and houses).

I don't know what's worse, calling for another trespass against Posse Comitatus, the bureaucratic ineptude responsible for delaying the unconstitutional breach, or the necessity of it due to the fact that the California Guard, who would normally be responsible to assist in such a disaster are otherwise occupied with an illegal, immoral, aggressive war.

(story link from the blog, reader photo from


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