The LibertyGuys Shine As Minor Pundits!

by Vince?Daliessio

(PHOTO: LibertyGuy pal Violet Blue wielding a honking-big metal bandsaw at Survival Research Laboratories)

Speaking of sexy, tech-y freedom, our blogpal Violet Blue namechecked us today?, blogging our comment in her blogpost on Brian Williams' anti-blogger rant;

The only way that a massive corporate media outlet can lose at this is by beating itself - by compromising so much with government, business, and foundation interests that their point-of-view becomes transparently co-opted and worthless.

"Vinny" is kicking Williams' blowdried, made-up ass precisely because he does not rub elbows with corporate, foundation, or congressional fatcats at cocktail parties or anywhere else, and could not give a crap about their interests, only about his own, and those of his friends and family as he sees them.

By itself, "Vinny's" point of view is incomplete, but millions of people like him are floating enough substantial ideas out there that the average person can pull enough of these bits of truth out of the aether and integrate them into an opinion different from the one Williams and his corporate masters want to force on him.

And it scares the bejeesus out of the elitist scumbags that populate corporate media, and their wannabees in J-schools.

We have them on the run. Enough said!

(link from the Lew Rockwell blog)


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