If They Ban Trans Fats, What Are They Going To Use To Keep Shoving Their Heads Up Their Asses?!?

by Vince?Daliessio

(PHOTO: Public Enemy #1, according to the Philadelphia PA City Council)

Philadelphia is a "City" that among other pathologies, has a malignantly growing murder rate. The toll for 2007, a mere 26 days old is 30, in the same ballpark as the number of US Army deaths?in Iraq?(70 for January).

One would think that responsible adults in city government would be working almost exclusively on ways to stem the violence, which claimed 406 actual dead bodies in 2006 (I respectfully suggest 'ending the Drug War').

Instead, here is what the Philadelphia City Council is busying itself with this week - a?ban on Trans Fats;

"PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? Restaurants, food trucks and takeouts would be barred from using products that contain trans fats under legislation introduced in a City Council panel.

The Committee on Public Health and Human Services approved the measure Thursday, and it will go the full Council for the first of two votes on Feb. 1.

Restaurants would have to rid their kitchens of trans fats by Sept. 1 under the bill by Councilman Juan Ramos.
Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Washington-based Center for Science in the Public Interest, told the council panel up to 1,000 heart attacks and 250 deaths a year could be eliminated by a trans fat ban in Philadelphia."

This is brainless, it is immoral, and wrong, it is an affront to science, morality, law, the Constitution, dignity, and common sense, it is, in short?an?ABOMINATION, in other words, business as usual for 21st-century municipal tyrants.

It is evidence, damning evidence, that the entire political class of the City of Philadelphia is completely, incompetently out of touch with reality, that they are insane, and that they should be drafted and either?forced to walk a beat in North Philadelphia 24 hours a day for a year, or else shipped to Iraq?to patrol? the streets of Sadr City, in short, anything except allowing them to continue to make these ridiculous laws.

This is breathtaking hubris, this is ignoramus-speak run amok, this?is textbook socialist lunacy, this is literally Nero fiddling while?Rome burns (or is slaughtered, actually).

This is a city where the public school system has imploded, where taxes have long spiraled out of control and are now threatening the economic viability of the city and the STATE, where citizens are being shot and stabbed to death like it's the Somme in 1916, and the esteemed City Council is occupying itself telling its thousands of restaurants how to run their?BUSINESSES for a theory?

The problem with this city, and this country, is that the citizens tolerate this kind of nonsense, instead of tarring and feathering these nanny-state-expanding incompetents and running them out of town on rails.? You are all getting what you deserve if you continue to put up with this nonsense.

God DAMMNIT I am so ANGRY about this!

(story?via Fark, Penn Live, from the Philadelphia Inquirer)


But more importantly, who will be appointed Trans Fat Czar at $250K plus perks and bennies? And which city councilman's wife's PR firm is going to land a $5 million contract for trans fat awareness campaigns in the Philly public schools?

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. My goodness. WIth only a minute let me remind the idiot legislators of Phat Philly that this has NOTHING to do with caloric intake and inactivity and sugar filled veins of Philadelphians. They are doing no one any good except trying to look like they care to spend more money. MORONS!

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