Nerds Investigate the Official 9/11 Stories

by Joe Pulcinella

I'd love to see what you engineer types think about the hypotheses put out at These guys claim to have all the answers to conclude that 9/11 could be nothing other than an inside job. I'm curious to see what you think.


These guys seem to favor a purely "scientific" approach and disregard any plausibility factor. F'rinstance, if Flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon, where is it? And what did happen to all of those people? Their whole theory relies on government agencies working in harmony with each other on a very complex plot. We have seen without a doubt that agencies (or even people within individual agencies) do NOT work in concert on anything. They are self-serving (like the rest of us) and will cooperate only to grow the government pie. When the chips fall, they will gather as many for themsleves as possible. Secondly, since the most talented people reside in the private sector, that doesn't leave enough truly smart people in government to pull off such a stunt with bungling it at every step.

OKayyy....Ahem. A high percentage of what I have read here so far is emotionalism and crankery. So be ready with a large pillar of salt before you take any of this. Undoubtedly there are some nuggets in here though.

I've heard of various theories involving the events of 9/11/01, and I think that, while certainly there are some curious anomalies, the "official" US Government response at the time seemed to be "Wha????". That alone is a powerful argument against an inside plot.

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