Osama Bin Laden Is a (fill in the blank)

by JoePulcinella

This is hilarious. Rodger Jacobs from Strike-At-The-Root.com does a hell of a job keeping up on stuff that makes the rest of us sick such as keeping up on all the crazy, whackiness on Fox News. I've seen them call on ex-Green Beret Bob Bevelacqua for his two cents and he never fails to lower the integrity of Fox as a legitimate news source. He has now degenertaed to calling Osama Bin Laden a "pussy."

€œI think Osama Bin Laden is a pussy,€ Bevelacqua declares. The terror mastermind, he explains, is €œa pussy€ because €œhe hides in caves.€

You can read Jabobs' take on it here.


I'm sure this has been discussed before, but Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al are successful simply because they present average, hard-working people with an alternative to the well-entrenched welfare-statist views of the mass media. Unfortunately, they promulgate warfare-statist views, as if they were any less bad. It's a shame that someone with the connections of a Lowery Mays or a Roger Ailes couldn't have put together a media outlet that simply tells the truth.

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