City Hall Corruption? Nah!

by Joe Pulcinella

This Inquirer article is a must-read. It lumps together everything that is wrong with the City of Philadelphia, the stadiums, Septa, the new Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, etc. Check out these selcted paragraphs:

In the first full transcripts of bugged conversations involving the mayor, power-broker Ronald A. White told Street he would "sell" seats in the mayor's box at the new Eagles stadium - for up to $20,000 in campaign contributions. It is legal to use city property for fund-raisers, but prosecutors say White used one of these seats to try to shake down a businessman.

According to a 2002 Commerce Bank memo, Street invited bank executives to his office to talk about how the bank could finance stadium work - then segued to ask Commerce about refinancing Street's own $65,000 mortgage loan. Street got his refinancing, at market rates.

Check out this exchange between now-deceased Ronald A. White and former City Treasurer Corey Kemp:

"We finally doing it the way they used to do us, right?" White told Kemp in a call in early 2003. "It's terrible, ain't it, brother?"

"Oh, no, it's life," Kemp replied. "Yeah, we ain't hurting nobody... . We just doing our thing."

On Oct. 2, 2003, with Street pulling ahead in the polls, a month before the mayoral election, Kemp tells White that they will "rock and roll" in a second Street term.

White then alludes to Street's controversial remark, in 2002, about increasing the minority role in city government.

Said White: "It's really going to be the brothers and sisters."

Kemp: "The brothers and sisters are running the city. We told you."

White: "We must go wild... ."

Gee, wonder why Philly's got so many problems. Just in case this article link goes away, I have the whole thing archived here in PDF format. Makes for an easy way to share the info, too.


the real shame is that this has been going on in the city for over 100 years. yes, including fast eddie.

Of course you realize that the esteemed John Street was a hot dog vendor before "acending" to the mayor's throne. The best part of all this fraud is that you'll be seeing a profile of these guys on TV or the newspaper as minorities who used their intelligence and hard work to achieve success.

That article, while bad enough, is simply the tip of the iceberg. Check out the conversations between Ron White and LaVan Hawkins in the transcripts; Type the names "White" and "Hawkins" into the boxes provided. You will get a rare window into exactly how lucrative racial politics can be in this country - these two inarticulate rubes, who couldn't run a newsstand if they had to do it honestly, talk about making tens of millions of dollars by flipping franchises (presumably held by blacks) back to the franchisers, including Pepsico and Pizza Hut. This kind of stuff goes on all the time in the name of affirmative action, and if the public was made widely aware of this, it would not go well for these people.

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