How Can You Do a Cakewalk When You've Been Shot In the Leg?

by Joe Pulcinella

On the surface this is pretty funny but it sends a powerful message about how bad our volunteer military has been defrauded by their Commander-in-Chief.

The soldier didn't want to go back to Iraq, where some of his friends had died. His wife wanted him home, where they planned to start a family. Her cousin wanted to help.

A conspiracy, Philadelphia prosecutors say, was born.

The two men went to Wister's Woods Park on the afternoon of Dec. 14, where Roland Fuller counted to three, then shot Army Spec. Marquise J. Roberts in the right leg with a .22-caliber handgun, authorities say. Donna Roberts then drove her husband to the hospital.

The Philadelphia Inquirer


Sadly, there are lots of soldiers that go to mucg greater lengths and commit suicide rather than continue on in the war.

Yeah I don't think it funny. Its tragic that someone would shoot themselves rather than go back. Of course this could occur in ANY conflict, legitamate or not, but the fact is, someone willing to to that may not be the optimal soldier....

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