I Am Sooooooo Friggin' Brilliant

by Joe Pulcinella

Not! I always prided myself on being on the cutting edge of libertarian thought but then I read The Death of Politics by Karl Hess and realized I am a piker. I was recently turned on to the article by Vince. Incredible. It was published by Playboy back in 1969 at the height of a huge government program...the Vietnam War. If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was written by Lew Rockwell in 2004. Anyway, go read it. It is definitely libertarian reference material.

You can get a short bio on Hess here.


Hess' article cuts through the miasma of reputed disagreement between the agendas of the major parties, and shows that they have only one agenda, that of gaining, wielding, and keeping power.

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