This Week in History
by Joe Pulcinella
Just saw this on the Americans for Limited Government site:
By my reckoning, the nutrional value you get from eating an entire watermelon would not even replace the nutrients lost to lugging the thing home and struggling to spit out and dispose of the seeds.
The law is ridiculous, with totaly irrelevant phrases like "watemelons are an important cash crop in the United States, and are an economical, enjoyable, and healthful food for consumers" in it. First of all, if any of these losers read "Economics In One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt (which should be mandatory reading in public high schools, but I digress) they would know that if consumers desire the product, they will buy it, and subsidies simply take away money from the consumer and call into production things that otherwise would not be called for by the consumer in the market. Secondly, this kind of regulatory simplemindedness is insulting to the public, or should be - they might as well have said something about watermelons being a "favorite food of darkies" - that's how insulting and patronizing this stuff is.
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Watermelon Research and Promotion Improvement Act of 1993 12/13/04 On Tuesday, Dec 14, 1993, the Watermelon Research and Promotion Improvement Act was passed by Congress, who felt it was in the public interest to establish a National Watermelon Promotion Board; whose job was to finance "research, development, advertising, and promotion designed to strengthen the watermelon's competitive position in the marketplace." |