Pork! Pork! I Smell Pork! (In NYC)

by Steve Mastro

Seems that since the early 1980's NYC residents have been paying for electricity at Madison Square Garden! Oh, and also subsidizing thier property taxes (they dont pay any). This for probbaly one of the highest grossing arenas in the country!


Every time the owners of Madison Square Garden flip on the arena's lights or power up the scoreboard, they're digging their hands into New Yorkers' pockets to the tune of $1 million a year, The Post has learned.

Under a sweetheart deal approved by state lawmakers in 1982, every Con Edison customer in the city is hit with an annual surcharge — an average of 33 cents per customer this year — to subsidize Madison Square Garden's electric bill.

With more than 3 million Con Ed customers across the city, that 33-cent surcharge adds up to $90,000 a month, according to industry experts familiar with the Garden's energy hand-out.

Here's the kicker!!!

The law granting the tax abatement and the energy subsidy was intended to last only for 10 years, but it was written so that it would take state legislation to undo it.



At least one of the players (Brendan Shanahan) has a clue that the NHL is in BIG trouble, lockout or no; http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/news;_ylc=X3oDMTBpdDcyMnNwBF9TAzk1ODYxODgzBHNlYwN0bQ--?slug=ap-nhllockout-shanahan&prov=ap&type=lgns But don't these guys understand that they are all in this together?

I for one would like to applaud the NHL, their moronic players & team owners, as the strike has eased traffic in the area of Broad St. & I-95.

Ha! Another guy who didn't even notice that there was no hockey happening this year! Those doofuses are relegating themselves into obscurity just like the Major League umps that quit a few years back!

A hockey strike? Are the NHL players THAT financially suicidal? The league has already squandered numerous opportunities to increase their fan base, and are currently missing an opportunity to poach fans from the disgraceful NBA. The strike will be the nail in the coffin for the NHL as any kind of factor in the sporting world. Idiots.

Check on that, would you? I'll bet PECO customers subsidize them and a lot of others. Vince Fumo will be involved somehow.

We'll be doing the same thing here for the Eagles, Phillies and Sixers if we don't already! The Flyers are doing us all a favor by going on strike!

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