Thank Goodness for Campaign Finance Reform

by Joe Pulcinella

From the LA Times:

With less than two weeks to go, the political parties, candidates and independent groups that have turned this year's presidential race into the first billion-dollar campaign are still raising and spending money like never before...

Sounds like because of the BCRA, the American people have more access to their government just as intended (NOT!).


See, that's where you are just plain wrong. The American people DO have more access to their government, that is, if by American people you mean wealthy individuals cynically trying to steer federal largesse their way. Do the Campaign Finance Reformers honestly expect us to believe that these 527 organizations don't coordinate with the candidates, and that lists of their big donors are not passed up the chain? A BILLION DOLLARS of Influence seeking, WOW. What kind of moron believes that any of this is constitutional, effective, or morally right?

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