News Flash: Philadelphia Public School Teachers Can Read!

by Vince?Daliessio

...the writing on the?wall, that is (and not just the plentiful graffitti, either). According to the Washington Times, a study by the Thomas B. Fordman Institute found that, while 17.5 percent of urban families nationwide send their kids to private school, ?44 percent of the teachers in the Philadelphia School District send their kids to private school. 44 PERCENT!

This is astounding, to say the least. But the study makes a larger, more interesting point;

(W)e can assume that no one knows the condition and quality of public schools better than teachers who work in them every day." If teachers are far less likely than the general public to send their own children to public schools, the analysis continues, "then we might reasonably conclude that those in the best position to know" — the connoisseurs — "are signaling a strong 'sell' about public education in their communities."

And?what does this say about the effectiveness of unions in improving the living standards of their members? Can the positive influence of union membership on wages for the teachers even partially cover the added expense of private school tuition for their kids?

What does this?say about the quality of the education available if almost half the teachers refuse to allow their students to be educated by their colleagues? Is this not evidence that the school district has hopelessly imploded, and should be abolished, and the tax monies refunded?

This is the ultimate in evil government hubris - forcing poor parents to send their children into a school district that almost half the teachers are paying good money to avoid.


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