The Things I Find In My eMail Box

by Vince?Daliessio

I used to read daily, until I became fed up with all the neocon cheerleading. I unsubscribed a while ago, but I still get solicitation emails from them. The one I got today included a link to?a trailer for the new DVD "Celsius 41.11", an apparently hasty, un-clever attempt at a rebuttal to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911, which is out on DVD (soon?). The angle is predictable, given the propensity of the neo-cons to try to rally the?loyal minions?by fear, but I did find some of the images interesting.

Particularly valuable are absurd statements by anti-Bush people supporting dictators"if they provide healthcare and college tuition", and venturing that they would "vote for a single-celled organism over Bush" (but not, presumably, for a zygote).

The lesson here is clear - if one is to be effective in opposing tyranny,?one must be careful not to look or sound like an idiot.


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