Philly Parking Violations Punishable By Death

by Joe Pulcinella

Well, not yet, anyway. But I just got hold of a parking "invoice" from The City of Brotherly Love and the fines have been jacked up to heights that even Bert Rutan can't imagine.

Just an expired meter will set you back $20. And the city complains of taxpayers fleeing. Just this by itself will not cause a mass exodus but it will definitely contribute to a movement at the margins. Duh.


...ain't just Philly with this problem -- and it ain't just limited to 'parking' violations. In most cities & states, the entire motor vehicle traffic-rules enforcement system has morphed into just one more coercive revenue stream .... to be heavily & unjustly milked for bucks. In most American traffic courts, citizens are presumed guilty --- and substantial government administrative & legal barriers prevent the proof of innocence.

Look for an "authorized" parking ticket broker to start doing business in Philly soon. The City of New York already has it - they advertise that they can get "save you 50% on parking fines" Gee, thanks guys - how much do these parasites rake off the top?

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