Neoconservative Apologists Often Make Lousy Arguments
by Vince?Daliessio
Steve Farrell writes on that many libertarians, such as Lew Rockwell and Walter Williams (?)?are in favor of the destruction of the United States and its people because they favor a minimalist government rather than the Leviathan that Farrell and the rest of the writers on NewsMax defend daily. This article will probably not convince many soft conservatives of the type who read NewsMax, because his argument is so weak I was able to smack it all down in 5 minutes;
Re: The Confederacy Movement
Hi Steve,
I read with just as critical an eye as the next person. But I have yet to see you or anyone else present any evidence that a minimal-to-nonexistent -federal government here in the US would be any worse than the unconstitutional, imperial monstrosity bequeathed us by Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, Reagan, and Clinton, and currently being perfected by Bush.?It might, in fact, be a whole lot better. Indeed, my eyes practically bugged out when I read this line in your article;
"That's the problem with the Libertarian argument, especially among those with a secularist, objectivist, anarchist bent. Eliminate all moral restraints and then, no law, no free enterprise system, no anything will stop power from accumulating in the hands of the few at the expense of the many".
This is precisely the program of the Demoblicans and the Republicrats over the last 100 years or so - eliminate all moral restraints (such as those found in the U.S. Constitution) and nothing will stop power from accumulating in the hands of the few (The Federal Government, the Defense Industry, The Oil Industry) at the expense of the many (The Taxpayers). If anything, government has actively promoted the very bad things you say that you fear from a political order dedicated to liberty.
?And who said libertarians or anarcho-capitalists favor eliminating all moral restraints? How about the axiom against the initiation of force? Is that not a moral restraint, indeed, one more powerful and rooted in principle than any legal contortion that the two wings of the Welfare-Warfare party have been able to come up with?
Color me unimpressed with your assertion that the current federal mafia is in any way morally superior to no gang at all.
If this is the best rebuttal to that NewsMax can come up with, Lew has little to worry about.