This Made Me Mad
by Vince?Daliessio
Hopping mad. Yelling at inanimate objects mad. The public school system in this country is rapidly turning into an unaccountable, self-accelerating enterprise run by a bunch of fascist true believers with unlimited access to taxpayers hard-earned money. The Calvert, MD School District is the latest outrageous example of an unelected, unaccountable entity appropriating more and more tax dollars simply to enrich its own. In no private business could an employer pay for commuting expenses and get away with it, which they do.?They spend millions of dollars on "instructional materials" (exclusive of books), which consist mostly of fanciful programs based on unproven theories peddled by "experts" who are often very cozy with the administrators who authorize the expenditures. And they commit these outrageous financial improprieties,?even while charging their students to play sports!
And no public-school administrator I have ever dealt with would be able to command even half their $100K+ salaries in any private sector job. But they are paid this and more, including gold-plated health benefits, as well as lavish defined-benefit pensions - all for 9 months of work or less per year.
None of this is meant to disparage the many fine teachers and administrators that honestly and competently educate our kids. But the public school monopoly has become an unaccountable, voracious squanderer of the hard-earned dollars of this country's citizens. It is time to end this wasteful, abusive system.