On the PATRIOT Act Watch List

by Joe Pulcinella

I just fund out that my own brother, born in Philadelphia, PA, had been excused from jury duty back in May. Reason? Not a US citizen! Go figure! And the kicker? He's an elected Republican official (Inspector of Elections)!


It's "Brazil". Except we have better computers and cooler cars.

Pulcinellaville, Del Boca Pulcinella, Von Simunov.....

Is this a strong argument AGAINST a national ID card? Fortunately, this database probably doesn't talk to the FBI (at least not yet). But in the case of a national database, he would be deported. I wonder where they say he is from?

WOW, hahahahaa, how the hell did they determine that? For goodness sakes there must be 1000000 pieces of data proving he is!!! Wua hahahaaa

OK, so this is the bureaucracy responsible for criminal justice? Is it really a surprise why so many oppose the death penalty? After all, a life sentence can be reversed if it is found to have been imposed due to this kind of nbureaucratic incompetence.

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