Q: Why Are Definitions Important?
by Vince?Daliessio
A: Because politicians do their best to obscure basic?terms that would normally?alert?citizens to?what they are doing. Walter Williams does us all a great favor this morning;
What is socialism? We miss the boat if we say it's the agenda of left-wingers and Democrats. According to Marxist doctrine, socialism is a stage of society between capitalism and communism where private ownership and control over property are eliminated. The essence of socialism is the attenuation and ultimate abolition of private property rights.
Republicans and right-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to farmers, banks, airlines and other failing businesses. Democrats and left-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to poor people, cities and artists. Both agree on taking one American's earnings to give to another; they simply differ on the recipients. This kind of congressional activity constitutes at least two-thirds of the federal budget.
(if you can't stand townhall.com because of all the neocons, here is a mirror at George Mason University);