Oxymoron - empasis on moron

by Joe?Pulcinella

Searching to see what sort of healthcare system Luxemburg has, I stumbled upon this site: Socialist Scholars. Read a little of their About Us page just for a laugh.

For twenty three years, the Socialist Scholars Conference—the largest annual event of the U.S. Left—has brought together thousands of radical, socialist, and feminist activists and scholars for a weekend of spirited debate, dialogue, and solidarity. It has become the Left’s most important and stimulating event, an indispensable venue for activists seeking to explore their differences as well as share common ground.

No problem is so big that it can't be cured by government theft of its citizens!


I think on some level they are right - one of the things that is eroding is the PERCIEVED public sphere - but all that does is show who has really been benefitting all along...

Again we come to the subject of "public property." If it were truly public, could I not sell my share? Where is my dividend? Sounds like a crappy investment to me since there will always be someone who gets more benefit from it than me. Even if the public were to all have exactly the same benefit (0% has always been shown to be the only logical portion to surface in the real world), there will always be those who operate outside the public sphere who will get the benefit of "my share" - namely the attendees of this conference who fully intend on being the ones on top of this hypothetical food chain. None of them ever figures on being just another citizen. After all, Stalin never thought of himself having to wait in line to buy toilet paper.

I LOVE this quote; "This year’s Conference focuses on the accelerating erosion of the public sphere—that is, the theft of the goods and power that should be ours—as privatization continues to sweep the globe." Those silly Socialists - they make me laugh!

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