Those Daring, Young Congressmen!
by Joe?Pulcinella
Seems kind of perverse that a congressman who introduces a sensible bill should be considered daring (or even suicidal by other congressmen) but three legislators have done just that (from
Representatives Introduce Social Security Reform Legislation
Reps. Sam Johnson (R-Texas), Pat Toomey (R-Penn.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) have introduced sweeping new Social Security reform legislation. Based on "The 6.2 Percent Solution: A Plan for Reforming Social Security," by Michael Tanner, director of Cato's Project on Social Security Choice, the legislation will allow workers to voluntarily invest their half of the Social Security payroll tax through individual accounts.
Hopefully, it won't get loaded down with pork and pork byproducts.
And to a politician, the correct question is "Why solve this problem now, in an economic, rational manner, when we can wait until a crisis "forces" us to raise taxes and steal freedom?"
To a socialist, everyone being poor is preferable to some having more than others even if it is directly from their own labor, intellect and risk.
Where is the brave politician who will stand up and say that if a person invests this money foolishly and ends up in the poorhouse that they should just go on welfare? That's what Social Security amounts to anyway, isn't it?
There are strict criteria for what you'd like to call an "independent contractor." People that pay their full-time employees under the table as such and think they are getting away with something just haven't gotten caught, yet. Those who finally get nabbed will find Martha Stewart as a neighbor.
Hate to pile on in the party-pooping, but might not employers try to get out of paying this by subcontracting out all of their employees? Just food for thought. I'm in favor of the idea though.
I'd love to do just that. But unlike the popular (and untrue) notion that school vouchers lead to a free market in education, allowing me to opt out of Social Security is a true path to freedom.
Impossible. These deals always do. And when peple invest unwisely, how will the govt pay then? Scrap the whole Ponzi scheme....
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