Free Speech on your Tag

by Steve?Mastro

Even funnier than the plate are the complaints!? Classic!


"The 25-year-old software engineer's license plate choice was, amazingly, approved by bureaucrats who obviously never saw the film "American Pie" and were clueless about the acronym's real meaning." A Huge bunch of crap. I'd bet a paycheck that the low-end, unionized state workers knew exactly what they were doing. I can't imagine a more monotonous job. Practically and engraved invitation for workplace hijinks - especialy when one knows he cannot be fired. But that's what happens when the state assigns themselves the duty of selling you hunks of metal.

When you get the state involved in anything, Constitutional rights are the first casualty. Woe be to anybody who asks for anything less innocuous than "ILUVKITNS"...

Post a Repsonse

