Beware of Phony Libertarian Bloggers
by Vince Daliessio
The person who operates this blog;
... bills himself "More Libertarian, more socialist than Ghandi". Apparently, he should add "less grammatical than Eminem", and "More paranoid than Nixon". I posted to his blog that the Republicans have a point when they complain about "527" organizations being shameless dodges around CFR, and how this is the result of violating the constitution, and he basically called me a dirty republican trixter;
and blocked me from rebutting his phony baloney reply. So I'm posting my rebuttal here;
Huhwha??? It almost sounds like you had a 'bot answer my post. I have no right-wing connections and, indeed couldn't care less if the entire (political) population of Washington DC was consumed in the next big Osama Bin Shindig (save a couple who still seem to cling to the tattered scraps of the constitution). Your phony answer denies those on your blog the opportunity to see another side of the story that does not conform to the typical phony Dem/Repub, Left/Right, Lib/Conserv comparisons.
"Campaign Finance Reform" and 527 groups are not about honesty, transparency, or ballot access. They are about the protection of political and journalistic incumbents (whether Republican or Democrat), the protection of media monopolies, and the furtherance of the growth of the state. And CFR (and, by implication, the 527 groups empowered thereby) are completely illegal infringements on the First Amendment.
Who says ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and CNN are the only ones allowed to decide what does and does not get said on TV? The federal government does. It's a fallacy that only very wealthy people have the financial and technological werewithal to get their message out. They are however, the only ones that have the POLITICAL werewithal.
If we abolished the FCC (another illegal infringement on the Constitution, BTW), and freed the airwaves, there would be no need for 527 groups. All people would be free to promote their political ideas unfettered.
If you don't have the time to even read my comment yourself prior to 'making' me as one of the members of the 'vast right-wing conspiracy', then guess there's no point in bothering your 'bot anymore by posting to this blog again.