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The Market Vindicates Itself!

by Vince?Daliessio


Many leftish-inclined people, for whatever good ideas they have about the warfare state, are deeply suspicious of, if not actively hostile to capitalism and markets. Lucky for everyone then that markets appear to be vindicating themselves!

?From a BoingBoing article on a conference on?the global trend of businesses and goods-production?becoming ever-increasingly customer-driven;

?The outsourcing of key business functions ? from textile production to software - to low cost labour countries is one of the key trends of the past five years. The next wave of outsourcing is starting to take place in the heart of the home market: the market itself is taking over all phases of production, from concept development and design to finished product. The phenomenon of ?user-driven innovation? goes beyond do-it-your-selfing, customization, and personalization. It?s no longer a matter of choosing between models ? customers are designing the very models they choose.

This trend not only reflects the value-creating functions of capitalism and markets, but is an ominous sign for governments, which tend to try to restrict and regulate the choices available to consumers. Imagine a world where virtually?all goods are custom goods - not only does that tend to limit monopoly and merchantilist-fascist corporate hegemony, but it will also tend to increasingly squeeze out taxing and regulating authorities.



No, not voluntarily. I think this si simply a counter-trend to government predation, which tends to foster "one-size" products because it both benefits their corporatist overlords and is easier prey for taxes and regulation. I will give you an example - I have been buying stainless-steel hardware to replace some of the cheesy plated steel bolts and nuts on a motorcycle I am restoring. There are a few pieces available from established commercial vendors, but lately I have been buying one-off pieces from a guy in Dorset, England, made to order as I need them. Sure, the Crown gets its cut from postage, but there is no sales tax, or other government interference, only pure, free trade between an American and an Englishman. How's that for an anti-government trend?

Kaiser, a local pickle producer, will customize their taste to your preference. As far as ridding us of regulation? Do you honestly think the Gov. will give up commodity price supports, sanctioning and enforcing Trade Unionism, with excise taxes, import/ import duties, because it DOESN'T like legally customizing the picking of winners and loosers?

Excellent. Anything to limit the state. If it's a function of us all getting more customized products, that's just a bonus!

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