Petition To Free Cory Maye
by Joe?Pulcinella
I'm sorry I missed this response to an earlier post I did on Cory Maye. Laura Denyes has posted a petition for unconditional release of Cory and will give it to the governor of Mississippi. Please consider signing it.
The law has been misapplied to Cory Maye. If an unidentified intruder were to burst into our home in the middle of the night, we would be within our rights to defend ourselves and our children. Given the law of Mississippi, Cory Maye acted within his right on the night of December 26th, 2001. It is a great tragedy that a police officer lost his life in this encounter. The execution of Cory Maye would magnify the tragedy, killing an innocent citizen because of the death of an officer. Haley Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, should grant an unconditional pardon to Cory Maye.
Correct me if I am wrong, but according to Mississippi is a deciminialized state. I smell fish!
Mr Maye should be compensated for trauma to himself and his daughter caused by goverment officers who were not supposed to even be there. He was in his mind defending himself and his family from would be invaders in his home. Mr Cheney wasn't, why should this man be sentenced to death who is not a theat to society but the fool in washington can go around shooting his friends and get off scott free????? More double standards. 1 rule for us and another for them
"isnt it possible for the organizers - even for Maye - to bring some money and do this adequately" Hmm, not sure how to address that. You raise an important concern - how we should work effectively on this. I've a few thoughts on that: 1.) It's possible that the most important thing we can do is donate money to the Cory Maye legal defense fund. I'm not saying this is so, I'm merely pointing it out as a possibility. Perhaps, given limited resources, all money should be concentrated there. I've already sent in a donation, and will again in the future. 2.) The server from Rackspace costs us $270 a month. We thought it was adequate to most of our tasks. We learned otherwise today. We could not have known where the server's breaking point was before this. 3.) We did not contact BoingBoing, we were taken by suprise by the link. We are delighted to have this much focus put on the petition. We stopped what we were doing today and focused our time and energy on getting the petition back up. It is up now. 4.) The campaign for Cory Maye needs to be thought of as long term. It won't be won or lost with any one battle. There are many people now working to help Maye in some fashion - not enough people, but still, many. They are working to raise funds for his legal defense team, or they are working to spread the word about his case. I know a young girl with a MySpace account whose been quite active about spreading the word amongst youngsters on MySpace. The loss of 6 hours on any one particular day probably won't matter too much in the grand scheme of things. At least, I hope not. 5.) I'm hoping Maye's legal team can win on appeal. If not, then Maye's case will have to be decided through political pressure on those politicians who have the power to save him. And then, truly, the petition might become an important part of the campaign regarding public opinion. 6.) Thanks again, sincerely, for all the attention the crew here on this blog has offered to this cause. The War On Drugs has lead to a frightening erosion of civil rights in this country. All of us, whatever our political agenda, need to band together and fight for a restoration of freedom in this country. Thanks again.
Ok, we've pretty much shut down our website, except for the Cory Maye petition. That petition is now the front page of the site, and it seems to be working well. Anyone who had trouble signing it before, please go sign it now.
So much diffusion - so little effectivity - there is no petition to sign... when you send again the ad, telling the site is up again, you will not get many people for this cause. Isnt there a place for uploading petitions, for free? isnt it possible for the organizers - even for Maye - to bring some money and do this adequately
Thank you for linking to the peition regarding Cory Maye. We lease a web server from RackSpace, which normally gives us excellent service at all times. However, our web server was not up to the task of dealing with the traffic from BoingBoing. We've been on the phone with RackSpace, and they are going to shut down the server, add more RAM, and then reboot. If you have not been able to add your name to the petition, please check back tomorrow, or send your information (name, address) to myself or Laura Denyes (lawrence at or diva at and we will add you to the petition.
The petition link seems to be up again although the connection is slow. I think it's getting overloaded.
,br> The entire War On Drugs is to blame. It puts cops and civilians alike in danger unecessarily.
What is wrong with this picture ? An officer knowing the law of search and entry and losed his life due to a error of judgement on his part ,Wake up America anyone including the officer would of done the exact same if put in the situation ,including myself.He deserves no punishment and should not of been arrested in the first place ,if there is any justice in Mississippi this man will be free.Oh ! Govorner what should he of done asked for I,D when he had no idea who? or why? he was there ,WAKE UP GOVERNOR DO YOUR JOB,if not than just write a new book of LAW for OFFICERS and we already have one for the public.
I just tried and their whole domain seems to be down. Give it a try tomorrow. I was able to hit it yesterday and it worked fine.
I'm not able to get on, i want to sign this petition!!! This is such an f'ed up situatuion!
No Previous Criminal record, no drug dealer, and we want the cops to admit they were wrong? Of course the cops are going to say they did it by the book. But ask yourself, WHY would he shoot the first officer KNOWING it is an officer then stop there and surrender???? Do whats right.
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