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NEWS FLASH: New Jersey's New Democratic Governor Wants To Raise Taxes

by Vince?Daliessio

The obvious, depressing certainty (to a minority of New Jerseyans) has become a reality - newly-sworn-in Democratic Governor Jon Corzine is calling for raising taxes.

Honestly, did anyone really BELIEVE the guff being thrown around in the last election about cutting taxes?

Corzine said "nobody" wants to increase taxes on clothing or gasoline, but he pointed to competing priorities such as reforming the state's child-welfare system.

Here's an idea - how about closing this bankrupt, harmful institution down?

Corzine is the worst possible person for this job - a wealthy?intellectual dimbulb who believes that the only things wrong with government can be solved by raising taxes.

The state of New Jersey is going down folks.

(link via FARK)


You're just not getting it, you hippies! We were attacked precisely BECAUSE we didn't tax clothinig! Now we're paying the price for our freedom! Ugh!

The State's 2005 budget was, according to the NFIB $28 BILLION. What on earth could be so vital yet so underfunded by private individuals and enterprises as to require the extraction of MORE than $28 BILLION from the taxpayers? The tax on clothing is a completely insane idea - billions of dollars flow into outlet stores in North Jersey from people avoiding New York City's and New York State's taxes on clothing, reinstated after 9/11. Taxing clothing will keep New Yorkers away from Northern NJ stores, and at the same time send Southern NJ consumers into PA and DE. There will be a net loss of BILLIONS of tax dollars. Nice going Guv!

And further we slide down the slippery slope to UK-style socialism...

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