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Love Is a Four-Letter Word

by Joe?Pulcinella

Father Thomas Williams apparently thinks that Pope Benedict is about to receive criticism for the topic of his encyclical: love.

?God Is Love? (?Deus Caritas Est)?? takes its title from a New Testament verse attributed to Saint John (1 John 4:16), one of Jesus? twelve apostles and author of the fourth gospel account. Benedict uses the citation as a point of departure for his affirmation of the centrality of love in the Christian life as a sum of the commandments and heart of the gospel message.

Yeah, I guess this will be a disappointment to those who think this "hardliner" will adopt the modern-day, neo-con, pro-war?reinterpretation of Christianity. But those who actually are so backward as to relate Jesus and love with Christianity...


I read about this in a post by Charles Featherstone on the LRC blog today. Get this; "We do not need a State which regulates and controls everything, but a State which, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, generously acknowledges and supports initiatives arising from the different social forces and combines spontaneity with closeness to those in need. (Paragraph 28b)" (Translation - state-mediated welfare drives out private charity.) I don't see Benedict getting a Presidential Medal of Freedom anytime soon!

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