When Did History Begin?
by Joe?Pulcinella
Why, in 1865, of course! Or so sayeth the Carson City, Navada school system. Ya see, they're presently trying to run history teacher Joe Enge out of town on a rail for daring to teach an alternative version of American history...one that starts with colonialization and details the birth of this great nation and the role the Founding Fathers played in it. And poor Joe ain't got a friend in the world.
Joe?s supervisors - including Carson High?s principal, Fred Perdomo - have given Joe unsatisfactory evaluations in retaliation for his refusal to teach a Founding-free version of American history. And although Joe?s a ?tenured? teacher, three such bad evaluations would be grounds for running this maverick out of town on a rail (students would have to read Revolutionary War-era history to know just what this phrase means). So Joe challenged the administrative evaluations; however, the Carson City School District Superintendent, Mary Pierszynski, sided with the principal. Big surprise there.
Joe's own version of the event can be read here. After you read up on the subject, direct your rage to the petition to save Joe's job.