A broken record...

by Steve M

...will I sound like, but this is an important issue, and people with very powerful positions are lying through their teeth. What nonsense!  Since when is having NO experience unique?! 

And it IS unique to nominate someone of her laughable caliber to the high court.  Some don't feel that consitutional working means anything, but with decisions as critical as the recent Eminent Domain decision in CT at the high court, it DOES matter what kind of judges we have. 

Earlier Wednesday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales asserted that Miers would bring "a unique brand of experience" to the high court and would that the concerns of critics would be eased once more is known about her. Gonzales, himself once considered a leading candidate for a vacancy there, said there is "nothing unique or earth-shattering" about Miers' nomination and said people should give her time to say who she is and what she believes.



If the Senate confirms her, we should have our state legislatures recall the senators who vote in favor of her. Oh yeah, I forgot about the 17th amendment! And they get up to 5 more years for the public to forget all about their votes before their next election!

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