Can you say "Draft?"
by SeaDood?
From today:
"Stretched by frequent troop rotations to Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army has become a "thin green line" that could snap unless relief comes soon, according to a study for the Pentagon. Andrew Krepinevich, a retired Army officer who wrote the report under a Pentagon contract, concluded that the Army cannot sustain the pace of troop deployments to Iraq long enough to break the back of the insurgency. "You really begin to wonder just how much stress and strain there is on the Army, how much longer it can continue," he said in an interview."
So-ooo, what's the next step ?
1) Admit that we can't contain the insurgency, that the?battle plan is flawed and therefore we need to pullout right away (won't happen).
2) Declare victory, pull out and bask in our national greatness? (may happen)
3) Re-Institute the draft and continue battling around the globe until terr'rism is wiped out from the face of the planet. (I'd love to see him try)
4) "Stay the course" and let the casualties accumulate, at least until just before the 2008 presidential elections.? (most likely)